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Results for: Prejudice
- McCormick-Huhn, K., L.M. Kim, and S.A. Shields. “Unconscious Bias Interventions for Business: An Initial Test of WAGES-Business (Workshop Activity for Gender Equity Simulation) and Google’s ’re:Work’ Trainings”, Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., 20 (December 12, 2020): 26.
- “I Had to Walk in Meghan’s Shoes to Understand Unconscious Bias; Harry Says He Had ’no idea’ Such Racial Prejudice Existed When He Was Young”. Solo Syndication, October 10, 2020.
- “I’ve Confronted My Unconscious Bias But Will It Change a Thing? Courses Alerting People to Their Prejudices Are Booming. Rhys Blakely Tried One Out”. NI Syndication Limited, July 7, 2020.
- Melina, K. “Patients Choosing Healthcare Provider Based on Race”, Columbia University Libraries, 6 (February 2, 2020).
- Anderson, N., D. Boatright, and A. Reisman. “Blackface in White Space: Using Admissions to Address Racism in Medical Education”, Springer International Publishing, 35 (2020): 3060.
- Agarwal, P. “Exposing Unconscious Bias”. New Scientist Ltd., 2020.
- Miranda, D., and P. Gaudreau. “Music and Cultural Prejudice Reduction: A Review”, SAGE Publications, 24 (2020): 299-312.
- Orellana, C.Iv?n, and L.Mar?a Orellana. “Sexual Prejudice and the Relevance of Political Culture: Trends and Correlates in El Salvador”, Psychological Thought, 13 (2020): 37-65.
- “Study Links Racial Prejudices And Disease Outbreaks”. National Public Radio, Inc. (NPR), 2020.
- Pamela, F., M. Mark, and C. Anne. The Leader’s Guide to Unconscious Bias : How To Reframe Bias, Cultivate Connection, and Create High-Performing Teams. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2020.
- B?hm, R., H. Rusch, and J. Baron. “The Psychology of Intergroup Conflict: A Review of Theories and Measures” 178 (2020): 947-62.
- Melissa, M.C., M. Mjaye, J. Shalmali, and A. James. “When Your Only Tool Is A Hammer : Ethical Limitations of Algorithmic Fairness Solutions in Healthcare Machine Learning”. ACM, 2020.
- Barber, S., P.C. Gronholm, S. Ahuja, N. R?sch, and G. Thornicroft. “Microaggressions towards People Affected by Mental Health Problems: A Scoping Review” 29 (December 2019): e82.
- Wheeler, D.J., J. Zapata, D. Davis, and C. Chou. “Twelve Tips for Responding to Microaggressions and Overt Discrimination: When the Patient Offends the Learner” 41 (October 2019): 1112-17.
- Torres, M.B., A. Salles, and A. Cochran. “Recognizing and Reacting to Microaggressions in Medicine and Surgery” 154 (September 2019): 868-72.
- Persaud, S. “Addressing Unconscious Bias: A Nurse Leader’s Role” 43 (April 4, 2019): 130-37.